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A very simple javascript package for database fixtures

tiny-fixtures / Exports


Table of contents

Type aliases


Type aliases


Ƭ CreateFixtures: <T>(table: string, rows: T[], primaryKeyName?: string) => [SetupFixtures, TeardownFixtures, ResultArray<T>]

Use this function to create a set of fixtures for a particular table in the database.

param The name of the table to insert test data into.

param An array of objects containing test data. Each object is a row where keys are column names.

param Optional name of the primary key column. If not provided, it is assumed that the first column is the primary key. Tiny-fixtures does not support composite primary keys.

returns - An array containing setup and teardown functions, plus ResultArray

Type declaration

▸ <T>(table: string, rows: T[], primaryKeyName?: string): [SetupFixtures, TeardownFixtures, ResultArray<T>]

Type parameters

Name Type Description
T object The type of the objects representing each row.


Name Type
table string
rows T[]
primaryKeyName? string

Returns: [SetupFixtures, TeardownFixtures, ResultArray<T>]

Defined in: index.ts:54


Ƭ ResultArray<T>: T & RowHelpers[]

This array contents changes depending whether tests are being prepared or running

## Preparation At this point the data in this array is simply the data you passed to createFixtures, extended with RowHelpers. Since the inserts only occur in the before or beforeEach step, it is impossible to have the result of the insert before it has occurred.

## Running tests Inside your it statement, after the before or beforeEach step has occurred, this array is now populated with the data returned by the database. So any SERIAL or DEFAULT columns will be accessible here.

Type parameters


Defined in: index.ts:43


Ƭ RowHelpers: object

When the createFixtures function returns an array of the rows you’ve chosen to insert with test data, they are extended with these row helpers.

Type declaration

Name Type Description
getRefByKey (key: string) => () => string | number Using this function tells tiny-fixtures to get a value from this fixture after it has been inserted in the database, rather than the test data provided by you. This is useful for cases such as accessing a primary key to create a join, or retrieving a default value, such as the result of DEFAULT NOW() You only need to use this function to tell tiny-fixtures to retrieve this column at insert. When your tests are running, they will have access to the resulting insert if needed, as tiny-fixtures updates the row array on the fly. param The name of the column to retrieve. returns A function that can be executed later to retrieve the value

Defined in: index.ts:21


Ƭ SetupFixtures: () => Promise<any[]>

Call this function inside your before or beforeEach step to insert the specified fixtures

Type declaration

▸ (): Promise<any[]>

Returns: Promise<any[]>

Defined in: index.ts:11


Ƭ TeardownFixtures: () => Promise<void>

Call this function inside your after or afterEach step to delete the specified fixtures. This will only delete the data inserted for this fixture, so any other test data remains untouched.

Type declaration

▸ (): Promise<void>

Returns: Promise<void>

Defined in: index.ts:16


Ƭ TinyFixtures: object

Contains the createFixtures function, with the pool in its closure.

Type declaration

Name Type
createFixtures CreateFixtures

Defined in: index.ts:63


Ƭ TinyFixturesOptions: object

Type declaration

Name Type
convertToSnakecase boolean

Defined in: index.ts:73



Const tinyFixtures(pool: Pool, __namedParameters?: TinyFixturesOptions): TinyFixtures


Name Type Description
pool Pool A node postgres pool for tiny fixtures to connect with.
__namedParameters TinyFixturesOptions -

Returns: TinyFixtures

Defined in: index.ts:85